Sobre Privacy Guides
Privacy Guides es un sitio web socialmente motivado que proporciona información para proteger la seguridad y privacidad de tus datos. Somos un proyecto sin fines de lucro con la misión de informar al público sobre el valor de la privacidad en línea y sobre las iniciativas gubernamentales digitales que pretenden vigilar tu actividad en línea. Nuestro sitio web no tiene anuncios y no está asociado con alguno de los proveedores listados.
Jonah Aragon is the Project Director and staff writer at Privacy Guides. His role includes researching and writing for this website, system administration, creating Privacy Guides Online Learning course content, reviewing the products recommended here, and most other day-to-day tasks.
The Project Director is a part-time position which reports directly to the executive committee.
Comité ejecutivo¶
El comité ejecutivo del proyecto está conformado por cinco voluntarios encargados de la gestión del Fondo MAGIC de Privacy Guides, que toman la mayoría de las decisiones importantes relacionadas con el proyecto.
Daniel Gray
Jonah Aragon
Founder, Director
Niek de Wilde
Equipo de voluntarios¶
Otros colaboradores han ofrecido voluntariamente su tiempo para revisar y aprobar los cambios en este sitio web, además de mantenerlo actualizado. Los cambios requieren más de 2 aprobaciones por parte del equipo de miembros antes de que los cambios sean fusionados. Además de los miembros del comité ejecutivo, los voluntarios de confianza para revisar las solicitudes de fusión incluyen a:
También agradecemos especialmente a neustro equipo de dedicado de moderadores en Matrix y nuestro foro: Austin Huang, namazso, hik, riley, y Valynor.
Además, muchas otras personas han realizado contribuciones al proyecto. ¡Tú también puedes contribuir! Somos de código abierto en GitHub y aceptamos sugerencias de traducciones en Crowdin.
Our team members review all changes made to the website and direct the course of the project as a whole. They do not personally profit from any contributions made to this site. Donations to Privacy Guides are generally tax-deductible in the United States.
In The Media¶
To find [privacy-focused alternative] apps, check out sites like Good Reports and Privacy Guides, which list privacy-focused apps in a variety of categories, notably including email providers (usually on paid plans) that aren’t run by the big tech companies.
If you're looking for a new VPN, you can go to the discount code of just about any podcast. If you are looking for a good VPN, you need professional help. The same goes for email clients, browsers, operating systems and password managers. How do you know which of these is the best, most privacy-friendly option? For that there is Privacy Guides, a platform on which a number of volunteers search day in, day out for the best privacy-friendly tools to use on the internet.
— [Translated from Dutch]
Also featured on: Ars Technica, Wirecutter [2], NPO Radio 1, Wired and Fast Company.
Privacy Guides was launched in September 2021 as a continuation of the defunct "PrivacyTools" open-source educational project. We recognized the importance of independent, criteria-focused product recommendations and general knowledge in the privacy space, which is why we needed to preserve the work that had been created by so many contributors since 2015 and make sure that information had a stable home on the web indefinitely.
In 2022, we completed the transition of our main website framework from Jekyll to MkDocs, using the mkdocs-material
documentation software. This change made open-source contributions to our site significantly easier for outsiders, because instead of needing to know complicated syntax to write posts effectively, contributing is now as easy as writing a standard Markdown document.
We additionally launched our new discussion forum at as a community platform to share ideas and ask questions about our mission. This augments our existing community on Matrix, and replaced our previous GitHub Discussions platform, decreasing our reliance on proprietary discussion platforms.
In 2023, we launched international translations of our website in French, Hebrew, Dutch, and more languages, made possible by our excellent translation team on Crowdin. We plan to continue carrying forward our mission of outreach and education, and finding ways to more clearly highlight the dangers of a lack of privacy awareness in the modern digital age, and the prevalence and harms of security breaches across the technology industry.
Site License¶
The following is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the license.
Unless otherwise noted, the original content on this website is made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International Public License. This means that you are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format for any purpose, even commercially; as long as you give appropriate credit to Privacy Guides (
and share your work under the same license.
You may comply with these terms in any reasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests Privacy Guides endorses you or your use.
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You're viewing the Spanish copy of Privacy Guides, translated by our fantastic language team on Crowdin. If you notice an error, or see any untranslated sections on this page, please consider helping out!