Aplicaciones generales
En este sitio web recomendamos una amplia variedad de aplicaciones para Android. Las aplicaciones que se encuentran listadas son exclusivas para Android y están diseñadas para mejorar o reemplazar funcionalidades clave del sistema.
Shelter es una aplicación que ayuda con el aprovechamiento de la característica de los perfiles de trabajo para aislar o duplicar aplicaciones en tu dispositivo.
Shelter permite bloquear la búsqueda de contactos entre perfiles y compartir archivos entre los perfiles por medio del gestor de archivos por defecto (DocumentsUI).
Shelter is recommended over Insular and Island as it supports contact search blocking.
When using Shelter, you are placing complete trust in its developer, as Shelter acts as a Device Admin to create the Work Profile, and it has extensive access to the data stored within the Work Profile.
Secure Camera¶
Secure Camera is a camera app focused on privacy and security which can capture images, videos, and QR codes. CameraX vendor extensions (Portrait, HDR, Night Sight, Face Retouch, and Auto) are also supported on available devices.
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Main privacy features include:
- Auto removal of Exif metadata (enabled by default)
- Use of the new Media API, therefore storage permissions are not required
- Microphone permission not required unless you want to record sound
Metadata is not currently deleted from video files but that is planned.
The image orientation metadata is not deleted. If you enable location (in Secure Camera) that won't be deleted either. If you want to delete that later you will need to use an external app such as ExifEraser.
Secure PDF Viewer¶
Protects against the following threat(s):
Secure PDF Viewer is a PDF viewer based on pdf.js that doesn't require any permissions. The PDF is fed into a sandboxed WebView. This means that it doesn't require permission directly to access content or files.
Content-Security-Policy is used to enforce that the JavaScript and styling properties within the WebView are entirely static content.
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Please note we are not affiliated with any of the projects we recommend. In addition to our standard criteria, we have developed a clear set of requirements to allow us to provide objective recommendations. Sugerimos que te familiarices con esta lista, antes de decidir utilizar un proyecto y realizar tu propia investigación para asegurarte de que es la elección ideal para ti.
- Applications on this page must not be applicable to any other software category on the site.
- General applications should extend or replace core system functionality.
- Applications should receive regular updates and maintenance.
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